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Fun Fact : Google scans through each and every mail u send or receive saying that they do this to tailor the ads but, they also steal ur ideas and give it to other companies dominating that field!
In Gmails policy terms they state "Users retain ownership of any intelectual property rights" but in the next sentence they admit, "When you upload, submit, store, send or receive any content to or through our services, you give google a worlwide licence to use, store, reproduce andcreate derivative works" this means everything u own is apparently owned by google.
This is a good reason to use our own email hosting for all our professional work also it helps branding no doubt.
so think again before sending a $$$$$ startup idea to anyone over gmail!
This will not affect us much but now when u know the other side its better to be safe...if u think you have a really good idea like a startup or 'the next big thing' its better to be safe isn't it? wink emoticon
PS : above info is not for pros colonthree emoticon they know it maybe? but i think this was a bit helpful so thought of posting it smile emoticon

Today while surfing my Facebook timeline i came across this amazing article that made me think about the porn ban in India ...

Source : Facebook

Was It Necessary ?

The post was :

" Fellow Indians, our government is an illusionist, no not illusionist in a sense that it does magic but illusionist because when it says 'look whats happening here' It is actually trying to distract you from something important going around. 
In the wake of recent porn ban all the media houses jumped in starting drumming their drums high pitch and all experts started to put forth their statistics but the thing was it necessary at the moment and does it desrve that hype?
everyone these days is aware of proxies and vpn. though a lil slow but they can still watch and of course the dvds and porn on memory sticks cannot be forgotten. I just don't understand what difference is it actually going to make but the thing is they successfully covered up whatever they wanted to. maybe new lead in vyapamscam or yakub memon controversy or any new issue.... "

Few days ago we saw that many adult sites were not opening either they showed blocked status or white blank page ..
What does it mean ? 
Is the Indian government raising a step towards porn neutrality ?

Show us some engagement in the comments ..
We need to think on the topic as banning something isn't always the best option ..  

Source : Tumblr